HomeBlogging120+ Blog Post Ideas for Beginners to Write Articles

120+ Blog Post Ideas for Beginners to Write Articles

You start a blog and you are confused about what to write on your blog. you don’t have any blog post ideas in your mind. so don’t worry today i will give you some pro tips to book your monthly calendar to write blog posts.

I know this is hard for beginners to write an article on a daily basis they start a blog but they don’t have any blog post ideas in their mind.

So blogging is an art it’s not mean just write and write not fulfill your blog with text. it’s very important to write powerful articles on your blog and drive the audience on your blog. In a short time period get your blog post ideas and start writing the right blog post.

Now you can start your blogging journey on blogger, WordPress, Wix, and much more blogging platform available to build your blog.

Blog Post Ideas for Beginners

So first of all understand this every beginner blogger struggle in their life, it’s not mean they have any magic. also, every single blogger giving too much time to blog first they search topics and then start writing. i know many people love to write but they don’t have ideas.

If you already start a blog or your thinking to start your blogging journey make sure you choose the right blogging niche to become a successful blogger.

If your blog is a niche blog then it’s not hard but if your blog is a general blog then it’s some hard to write articles on a daily basis.

1. Niche Blog post

So if your blog is on a single topic then it’s not hard to write an article on your niche blog because it is so easy to find topics for your blog. also on your niche blog, you don’t need to write many articles but you just need to write complete articles and explain with some other pages. then your niche blog is complete and update it weekly and monthly as website need and for the audience or any other website updates.

2. How-to Blog Posts

So search how-to topic or write about this topic and help people because the how-to topic is always trending. you can easily rank your website but you just read some research and write articles you will rank your post on google and get good traffic. also how-to topic is not any niche this topic is trending anywhere because people have problems so you need to solve with your articles.

3. Guide Posts

So simple write articles on guide topic. because many people are a beginner they are searching on search engines they are confused so just write easy guide articles and solve their issue like my article i am writing “blog post ideas” so it’s all on you how much you have knowledge so share your knowledge from your articles and convert into money.

Make sure you write high-quality articles because in the market many good guideposts writers available if you are really interested in your work you will see results so soon.

4. Product Updates

So if your website is a product based website then share your product updates and start writing articles about products and share honest review this topic never end you will see more and more products.

Or if you have some information about the product then share your review and forward customers to the product with your affiliate link and convert your visitors into affiliate commission.

5. Share a Failure

Every person doing mistakes when they start a new journey i am also done many mistakes with my beginning journey. so if you have done mistakes in your journey then share your mistakes in the article and motivate other peoples. because this type of article motivates people they will learn something and connect with you for a lifetime and now it all depends on you how you handle your audience.

6. Share a Success

So if you get success in your carrier then share in your article and motivate other peoples. people really love to read about your success and they will happy and they will learn something through your success.

So if you are not successful then start sharing someone’s success through your articles then your readers will learn something and also you will motivate by this and you will get something to learn.

7. Lifehacks

So smart people always searching for life hacks to learn something. if you have some life hacks then start sharing your hacks in your articles. also if you don’t have life hacks then it’s not a big problem you can find some life hack through the internet. make people’s life easy with your tips and life hacks and make good engagement on your website.

8. Travel Posts

So if you love traveling then start writing about your journey and share your experience. also, click your traveling photos and share them with your blog post. so writing a blog post is an art, how much you have creativity always try to make your traveling post interesting.

return your traveling journey expansive from your blog. so start a blog on your traveling journey and start writing about your traveling life.

9. Funny Story

In our daily life, funny things happen. so start writing a funny article on your blog and share everything that happens with you today and try to make your story more interesting and funny.

So any funny thing happens like with your kids, wife, office and other places also you can write funny stories because people are sad they want to read something funny to make their day happy.

10. Income Report

So every professional and successful blogger sharing their income report with blog posts. so if you have any successful income report then share with others for motivation. it’s not mean just share your own income report if you don’t want to share or if you not have a successful income story then find a successful blogger and share their story in your way with your blog post.

11. Interviews

So start interviewing famous bloggers and influencers. so do you know some famous persons so then start writing about their journey and publish them on your blog, so also you can get ideas from other interviews writer bloggers.

So don’t be afraid to send an email to famous bloggers and influencers and ask them for Q&A or interview. also one another pro-tip if you have good information about famous bloggers and also they share then collect all information and write in your way on your blog.

12. Contest or Giveaway

So do you want a good amount of engagements on your blog, now create a contest and giveaway on your blog. also, you can deal with brands and giveaway their products on your blog also you can create some rules for your visitors to join your giveaways like sharing your post on social media, subscribing to email, or leave a comment.

it’s not mean to create fake giveaways make sure you are honest and always do original contests and giveaways.

13. Industry Trends

So anything going trend in your industry then write a detailed article and explain everything that’s going on and other updates. because many peoples are waiting for the latest update so share everything in your articles.

first of all check industry trends scope and start writing trend topics and get a good amount of traffic.

14. Guest Posts

Now create a guest post page on your blog then once your visitor visits your blog if they are interested to write an article then they will contact you also you can earn guest posting for publishing articles on your blog. also, one another thing if you want to build your authority blog then start writing a guest post on different websites and increase your website value.

15. Case Study

Something new happens on your blog so share your case study with your audience, explain everything to your audience and build your audience’s attention on your blog. every week or a month case study sharing is important to make good relations with your audience.

16. Common Mistakes

So a big audience you have and they follow you then start guiding them to stop doing mistakes in their carrier. it all depends on your industry in which industry you are. write an informational article for your audience to avoid common mistakes.

17. Best Of

Now start writing on “best of” topics for your readers and get better engagements on your blog, so it depends on which industry you. also if you are confused about how to find keywords i recommend you semrush keyword tool try now a 7-day free trial. also if anything best happens and if you want to share the best of things with your readers then this is perfect to write an article and get the audience.

18. Creativity Tips

Every work needs some creativity to make it different from others, also if your readers struggling in their carrier then share with them your creativity you implement in your blog they will inspire and it’s a better way to make a good relationship with your audience.

19. Recipes

So if you are a good cook, then start writing your recipes on your blog and share with others and get a good amount of audience on your blog. now explain everything in detail on how to make good food with your recipes. so it’s not a problem if you are a beginner you can collect recipes from the internet and share your experience with others. also if your blog is about cooking and recipes then i recommend some food & recipe themes for your blog.

20. Gift Ideas

Now start giving gift ideas on your blog, on many occasions like birthday party, weddings and many other occasions people need a better gift to give them but they are confused and also they want a good quality gift in low price then this is a good opportunity for you start writing gift ideas on your blog with an affiliate link to earn a commission.

21. Top Posts

Now you can write articles about “top posts” and help peoples for example: “top hosting provider” “top ten products” etc. so writing blog post on “top posts” niche is a very big and also it does not matter what is your blogging niche you can write in your niche because “top posts” is available in every niche you just need to research keyword.

22. Research

so if you are an expert person then share your research with your audience. as same i am sharing with you “blog post ideas” so many beginners are confused and they are searching how to solve the issue so if you have some good research then start writing on “research topic” and get a good amount of traffic and engagement.

23. Product Review

Product review is a big niche, millions of people purchasing online products but before buying any product they new an honest product review. so this niche is a very big niche you can start an affiliate website on product review and start writing articles and earn money through affiliate. so affiliate means you are not a product owner but you recommending products to others to buy products.

24. Anniversary

Write a post about the anniversary, like birthday, company, project, marriage, etc. so writing an article on the anniversary topic is a great choice to share your most important moments and your personal experiences.

25. Daily Life Routine

Start sharing your daily life routine with your audience what you doing in your daily life and also you can give pro tips to your audience on how to make your daily life better.

Blog Topics List

  1. Make a list of podcast for readers
  2. Post a funny video about reading
  3. List your favorite Author Blogs
  4. Give a review of books you’ve read for fun
  5. Describe your perfect weekend.
  6. Post book blurbs from upcoming books
  7. List your least favorite foods and why
  8. Post a funny GIF about reading
  9. List great magazines for readers
  10. Do a blog tour
  11. List events for readers in your niche
  12. Post a funny cartoon about reading
  13. Describe what your favorite rainy day activity
  14. List events for readers in your genre
  15. List your Favorite Book Review Blogs
  16. Share a To-Do list for your daily life
  17. Share past holiday photos, traditions, and stories.
  18. List story ideas you hope to tackle in the future
  19. Talk about the best day of your life
  20. List your favorite bookish gifts
  21. List of words to use in your writing
  22. Talk about how to write sequels
  23. Talk about how to build a scene
  24. Talk about Google campaigns
  25. Post a list of blog post ideas
  26. Explain SEO for bloggers
  27. How to craft the perfect villain
  28. How to become a full-time writer
  29. How to make an audiobook
  30. Create a blogging schedule
  31. Describe your ideal home library.
  32. Describe your dream launch party
  33. Shocking news about your niche
  34. Share your bucket list
  35. Post a soundtrack for your book
  36. Describe your ideal writing space.
  37. Learn how to pitch articles
  38. Talk about Google Authorship
  39. Make a list of podcasts for writers
  40. Talk about how to make book trailers
  41. Talk about how to find an editor
  42. Post a writing schedule
  43. Spotlight helpful blogging infographics
  44. Talk about how to outline a book
  45. Post a funny cartoon about writing
  46. List things that help inspire your life
  47. Post something specific to your niche
  48. Talk about social media roundup sites
  49. How to craft a perfect
  50. Talk about how to promote your books locally
  51. Talk about your brainstorming process
  52. Explain your outlining process
  53. List your favorite writer blogs
  54. Explain your marketing strategy.
  55. Spotlight helpful genre infographics
  56. Review writing products
  57. Talk about writing classes
  58. Talk about the art of writing a book blurb
  59. Post an encouraging message to writers
  60. Talk about elevator pitches
  61. How To articles pertaining to a writing
  62. Talk about how to format an MS
  63. List of words to avoid in your writing
  64. Make a list of great endings from books
  65. Create a submitting schedule
  66. List great magazines for writers/authors
  67. List some exercises/stretches for writers
  68. Talk about how to speak/read in public
  69. Discuss time management tools for writers
  70. Talk about how to plan a book signing event
  71. Post a list of websites that list writing jobs
  72. Talk about how to throw book parties online
  73. Explain how you start a new writing project
  74. List your favorite websites that help writers
  75. Review writing classes you have taken
  76. Spotlight helpful writing infographics
  77. Talk about ghostwriting
  78. List some of your favorite book trailers.
  79. Shocking news about your genre
  80. Make a list of great first lines from books
  81. How to plan everything for your online career
  82. List upcoming books you can’t wait to read.
  83. Talk about controversial topics in your niche
  84. Review writing contests
  85. Talk about Blog/Web design tips
  86. List things that help to inspire your writing
  87. List your favorite self-help books for writers
  88. Review books for writers
  89. To-Do list for your daily writing life
  90. Highlight your favorite quotes about writing.
  91. How to make money from your blog
  92. Talk about tax deductions available to writers
  93. how to write an “About Me” page
  94. Give tips how to speed up the writing process
  95. Make a list of apps for writers and review them
  96. How to plan everything in your blogging career
  97. Highlight your favorite inspirational quotes
  98. Talk about controversial topics in your genre
  99. how to choose a title for your book


I hope my article helpful for you, about “blog post ideas” I know this is very hard to find blog post ideas. every single beginner content writer is very confused about how to write the right blog post. it’s not mean just write and write, also this is very important to write a helpful blog post for readers.

so that’s all if you have some question in your mind and if you have another “blog post ideas” then share with me in the comment section i try my best to help you✌.

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Team LUhttps://www.loudupdates.com
We cover on specializing in game reviews, previews, and features. With over 5 years of experience in the gaming industry, I'm highly knowledgeable and have experience writing on various gaming.
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