HomeBloggingFull Time Blog Income Report 2021

Full Time Blog Income Report 2021

In this blog post, I am going to share my blog income report. this is not my first month of income but the first time I am going to share my blog income report with my readers to get motivated and start a blog journey or recontinued their blogging life.

So this income report is not loud updates blog income report this report is my other blog.

In this blog post, I will share with you my last month income report how much i earn from my blog. Many new bloggers are demotivated so i hope this blog post boosts you to work on your blog and become a successful blogger.

Blog Income Report

How I earn this money so I am running advertisements on my website plus I got some guest posts for my blog to publish and buyers pay for this to publish their post on my blog. last month I earn 305$ from the advertisement. Currently, i am running monumetric ads on my website. Almost 450$ plus from guest posting and a total is 750$ from my blog.

blog income from ads

So I just share an advertisement screenshot I cannot share my guest post details because I have different clients and not collect all data from guest posts. If you want to earn more money then must try monumetric on your website. monumetric is a premium ad network that will increase your earnings i am using monuemtric from the last 4/5 months and my monthly earning is increased.

i will not share with you my blog. Junebe you will find but it’s not good for me to share with you.

Also Read: How Much Does it Cost to Start a Blog

Last Month Traffic

Last month I go almost 50k traffic on my blog and 15% of traffic is increased from the previous month. on my blog, I post 300 posts, and day by day my traffic is increased i am hoping next month my traffic is increased.

last month traffic

last month starting 10 days my daily traffic is 1.2k and suddenly my one blog post is rank on google and my traffic is increasing and now my daily traffic is 2k. So when my traffic is increased also my blog income.

starting a blog is good you have too many ways to earn money from your blog. if you reading this blog post and still confuse or think this is a scam. I think you are crazy. On the internet everything is available and people are crazy they publishing content without any benefits. Just start your blog and earn money from your blog.

Keep in mind write quality content on your blog. If you want success then this is very important for you to write quality content people will read and you will get a return in the face of income.

Team LU
Team LUhttps://www.loudupdates.com
We cover on specializing in game reviews, previews, and features. With over 5 years of experience in the gaming industry, I'm highly knowledgeable and have experience writing on various gaming.


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