We will share the LoL URF Tier list with you in this guide! We have ranked each champion based on their overall viability in URF mode. We have you covered, from the overpowered champions who can easily carry a game to the underperformers who are best left behind.
With this list, you can make sure to pick the strongest champions in your next URF match and get the victory!
LoL URF Tier List
The URF tier list is a great way to determine which champions perform best in the URF game mode. Depending on which role you are playing and the strengths of your teammates, you can use the tier list to help you decide which champions to pick.
S-tier champions are the best, and F-tier champions are the worst, so it’s essential to consider these rankings when selecting your team.
Also Read: LoL Wild Rift Tier List
LoL URF Tier S
- Malphite
- Wukong
- Seraphine
- Lucian
- Shyvana
- Malhazar
- Soraka
- Lulu
- Ezreal
- Hecarim
- Fizz
- Zed
- Kayle
- Graves
- Fiora
- Sivir
- Trundle
- Syndra
- Master Yi
- Yuumi
- Luz
- Kai’Sa
- Nocturne
- Teemo
- Orianna
- Sylas
- Morgana
- Sona
- Shaco
- Singed
- Volibear
- Ekko
- Lee Sin
- Kog’Maw
- Twitch
- Ahri
- Annie
- Vex
- Nami
Also Read: Sword Master Story Tier List
LoL URF Tier A
- Shen
- Tryndamere
- Xayah
- Blitzcrank
- Corki
- Pyke
- Miss Fortune
- Viktor
- Jhin
- Xin Zhao
- Veigar
- Tristana
- Cassiopeia
- Talon
- Zac
- Samira
- Skarner
- Heimerdinger
- LeBlance
- Maokai
- Jax
- Rengar
- Zilean
- Warwick
- Leona
- Diana
- Ziggs
- Vel’Koz
- Janna
- Lissadndra
- Jarvan IV
- Kha’Zix
- Lillia
- Karma
- Jinx
- Vi
- Caitlyn
- Zyra
- Nasus
Also Read: Punishing Gray Raven Tier List
LoL URF Tier B
- Kayn
- Swain
- Riven
- Rumble
- Gangplanl
- Tahm Kench
- Illaoi
- Pantheon
- Twisted Fate
- Ashe
- Kennen
- Gragas
- Nidalee
- Yorick
- Kindred
- Dr. Mundo
- Neeko
- Xertah
- Rakan
- Aurelion Sol
- Akshan
- Ryze
- Taric
- Karthus
- Nautilus
- Vayne
- Cho’Gath
- Brand
- Camille
- Vladimir
- Jayce
- Amumu
- Garen
- Galio
- Ivern
- Zoe
- Rell
Also Read: Genshin Impact Tier List
LoL URF Tier C
- Rammus
- Qiyana
- Taliyah
- Ornn
- Sett
- Sejuani
- Azir
- Yone
- Yasuo
- Draven
- Katarina
- Renekton
- Alistar
- Urgot
- Olaf
- Evelynn
- Varus
- Bard
- Elise
- Kassadin
- Poppy
- Aatrox
- Darius
Also Read: Exos Heroes Tier List
LoL URF Tier D
- Gnar
- Kalista
- Akali
- Mordekaiser
- Aphelios
- Udyr
- Fiddlesticks
- Thresh
- Sion
- Rek’Sai
- Gwn
- Braum
- Nunu
- Anivia
- Viego
- Quinn
Also Read: Valor Legends Tier List
What was the basis for ranking the champions on our URF tier list?
We’ve ranked the champions in League of Legends based on their performance in the current meta, their popularity among players, and how well they work with the items available in the game.
This ranking is a work in progress and will be updated as new information becomes available.
Is URF a permanent game mode in LoL?
The developers of League of Legends have made it clear that they do not plan to make Ultra Rapid Fire (URF) a permanent mode of play. This is because URF has the potential to be a highly addictive game mode that could cause players to become disengaged with the game after a short period.
Therefore, URF is only available during special events and limited periods to protect the player base and keep the game enjoyable.
That’s all about lol urf tier list to easily select the exemplary character in your team; after complex research, we create this tier list for you. If you have questions, please ask in the comment section.