Here we are with the League of Legends champions tier list to select the exemplary character in your team and play the game. We know it is difficult for you to select characters. If you choose, you will lose your game resources and match. So, read this tier list carefully to choose the exemplary character in your team quickly.
League Of Legends Champions Tier List
League of Legends tier lists exceptional engagement as a game that stems from the fact that players can select from five distinct roles. Given this, we should evaluate our ultimate League of Legends tier list by analyzing these five equally remarkable roles before categorizing the characters according to their respective tiers.
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League Of Legends Top Lane Tier List
Top lane champions are responsible for either starting fights and absorbing the first wave of damage and crowd control or getting close to their opponents to keep them away from specific areas.
Tier SS
- Fiora
- Sett
- Camille
- Irelia
- Tahm Kench
Tier S
- Ornn
- Wukong
- Garen
- Riven
- Dr. Mundo
- Malphite
Tier A
- Kennen
- Singed
- Vayne
- Darius
- Aatrox
- Quinn
- Urgot
- Rengar
- Jax
- Nasus
- Tryndamere
- Illaoi
- Shen
- Yorick
- Lilia
- Akshan
Tier B
- Graves
- Pantheon
- Teemo
- Kled
- Cho’Gath
- Rumble
- Gangplank
- Sylas
- Heirmerdinger
- Yone
- Gnar
- Cassiopeia
- Poppy
- Maokai
Tier C
- Sion
- Volibear
- Mordekaiser
- Yasuo
- Gwen
- Viego
- Ryze
Tier D
- Renekton
- Vladimir
- Gragas
- Warwick
- Jayce
- Trundle
- Akali
- Kayle
Also Read: LoL: Wild Rift Tier List
League Of Legends Jungle Tier List
Let’s examine our Jungle Champion tier list now. The jungle role offers numerous options for champion selection, including AP, Carries, Assassins, Bruisers, Tanks, and even ADC Jungle champions.
Tier SS
- Kha’Zix
- Xin Zhao
- Fiddlesticks
- Shaco
- Jarvan IV
Tier S
- Lee Sin
- Taliyah
- Karthus
- Master Yi
- Ekko
- Rek’Sai
- Kindred
Tier A
- Nidalee
- Trundle
- Poppy
- Evelynn
- Kayn
- Warwick
- Nunu & Wilump
- Zac
- Graves
- Rammus
- Elise
Tier B
- Skarner
- Udyr
- Hecarim
- Viego
- Mordekaiser
- Talon
- Gragas
- Sejuani
Tier C
- Nocturne
- Rumble
- Ivern
- Olaf
- Lillia
Tier D
- Rengar
- Volibear
- Jax
- Shyvana
- Diana
- Zed
- Qiyana
- Vi
Also Read: Valor Legends Tier List
League Of Legends Mid Lane Tier List
Tier SS
- Katarina
- Akshan
- LeBlanc
- Kassadin
Tier S
- Tryndamere
- Yone
- Irelia
- Vladimir
- Anivia
- Yasuo
- Talon
Tier A
- Kayle
- Pantheon
- Xerath
- Lissandra
- Cassiopeia
- Qiyana
- Diana
- Pyke
- Zoe
- Kennen
- Ahri
- Malzahar
- Corki
Tier B
- Heimerdinger
- Sylas
- Vel’Koz
- Ziggs
- Ekko
- Rumble
- Tristana
- Kog’Maw
- Taliyah
- Galio
- Aurelion Sol
- Malphite
- Seraphine
- Brand
- Garen
- Viktor
Tier C
- Graves
- Sett
- Azir
- Jayce
- Annie
- Gangplank
Tier D
- Orianna
- Twisted Fate
- Viego
- Lucian
- Ryze
- Fizz
- Neeko
- Veigar
- Lux
- Syndra
- Akali
Also Read: Mobile Legends Adventure Tier List
League Of Legends Bot Lane Tier List
Tier SS
- Jhin
- Ashe
- Ziggs
- Vayne
- Draven
Tier S
- Twitch
- Miss Fortune
- Yasuo
Tier A
- Lucian
- Sivir
- Akshan
- Samira
- Karthus
- Seraphine
Tier B
- Swain
- Cassiopeia
- Veigar
- Jinx
Tier C
- Caitlyn
- Aphelios
- Tristana
Tier D
- Kog’Maw
- Varus
- Kai’Sa
- Senna
- Kalista
Also Read: Raid Shadow Legends Tier List
League Of Legends Support Tier List
Tier SS
- Leona
- Lulu
- Amumu
- Blitzcrank
Tier S
- Sona
- Yuumi
- Morgana
- Thresh
- Nami
Tier A
- Shaco
- Zilean
- Maokai
- Soraka
- Janna
- Xerath
- Pyke
Tier B
- Nautilus
- Senna
- Trundle
- Veigar
- Rell
- Galio
- Taric
- Karma
- Zyra
- Rakan
- Braum
- Swain
- Twitch
Tier C
- Brand
- Alistar
- Pantheon
- Bard
Tier D
- Seraphine
- Vel’Koz
- Lux
- Gragas
- Sette
That’s all about the League of Legends tier list; we coper top lane, jungle, mid lane, bot lane, & support tier. We will update this article when some new updates are available related to the tier list.